I'd like to thank my first ever guest blogger, Mr. WWPVWD himself, DLee for this Gem (no, not the delicious fried chicken treat). Needless to say, lunch today was interesting. And for the record, none of those of us involved in the conversation intend to stop eating our share of the 24 chickens the average American eats each year, but it really makes you stop and think - where do they all come from?? Without further adieu:
I’m eating my very pretentious Chicken Cobb Salad from Panera (sound the
beacon!) at lunch today, and I start to wonder, how many people are consuming
that very same salad today, and how many chickens were needed to fulfill those
orders. Now, take it one step further, how many chickens are consumed by
Americans in general on a daily basis. Screw that, how many chickens are
consumed yearly???? It was an answer I needed, pondered (more than Christian)
and required. So I asked.
enough, my co-workers had never wondered what the answer to this mind-blowing
question would be. In fact, one could ask why the hell I care. Was it because
“I was loaded!!! Ok?!?” No, it was because the chicken on some very
subconscious level must fascinate me. Well, I needed answers… even though I
probably, in my best Jack Nicholson impression “can’t handle the truth!!!” So,
we went on a hunt for the answer and here’s what we found…
average 8 fingered, 2 thumbed American (sorry Anub!) consumes 24 chickens each
year. There are 307,000,000 U.S residents (and who knows how many illegal
immigrants hiding under Kurt’s desk). That equates to 7.4 billion chickens
consumed by Americans each year alone. 7.4 BILLION!!!!! Manage that!!!!!
kind of land space must that occupy? If you lined up 7.4 billion chickens,
could you get to the moon (please don’t drop your pants, I’m not talking about
that moon). You bet your sweet ass you could. In fact, if you lined up all the
eggs, from those very same chickens that are consumed by Americans, you could
get to the moon and back 5 times! On a side note, don’t try that at home. I
guarantee you won’t be “struttin’ that ass” if you try.
I digress. Where is the anger from the chicken-loving community? Who will rise
up to defend these birds from insane amounts of procreation, egg-laying,
slaughtering, and ultimately roasting on a rotisserie? They need a voice (god I
love the beefier Christina Aguilera on that show)! They need to be heard (if
someone can get KReba to shut-up for 5 minutes)! They need a coalition (Max can
you develop a logo?)! They need…
screw it. It’s Thursday. It’s time for Crown Brewing, It’s time for a Special
Forces IPA. And, I heard they have 50 cent wings. J
out until my next guest appearance.
Again, a big thank you to DLee. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Who's next? And for all of you Arrested Development fans out there - enjoy some chicken dancing.
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